Tuesday, July 16, 2019

When Will It End?, 7-16-2019

Thoughts and QuotesAll medical authorities believe in psychosomatic illness.  Why can’t we believe in psychosomatic health?  If the mind can make us sick, why not healthy?
                                                                 Richard Jafolla

Which makes me wonder what I was thinking to bring on shingles. Oh, well, it matters not since I'm over them and ready to get back to doing the things I love. I only started feeling energetic again on Friday, so not much to tell you.

Tidbits: I've found something wonderful for those of you who listen to books. Public domain books are read by volunteers, and there are more than you'll ever want. I checked Jane Austen and Mark Twain, and they're here. The one I found interesting is all the presidential inauguration addresses. Click HERE. 

The library has play-away books and audio books, but if you're looking for the classics, check this out.

And if you prefer reading instead of listening, you can always go HERE.

This is number 25 on a list of 43 ways to improve yourself in just 10 minutes. I question the time, but the ideas are worth a look. Learn a new language or take the personality test. Click HERE.

Theme Meals: We finally had the July 4th lunch on Sunday, which happened to be Bastille Day. Not so far off, since we probaby couldn't have won the Revolutionary War without the aid of the French. In addition, I think the French Revolution (celebrated on Bastille Day) was a result of the seed planted by our revolution.

The Menu

BBQ Ribs

Potato Salad

Baked Beans

Copycat KFC Cole Slaw

Deviled Eggs

Pickled Cucumbers and Onions

Strawberry Cake - Frozen Caramel Pie

And Joey brought Corn on the Cob and Brownies

The recipes for Baked Beans and Copycat KFC Cole Slaw are already in the drop downs. The cake is in the drop down and is called Kathy's Jello Cake. I used a white cake mix and strawberry Jello. The frosting was canned Betty Crocker strawberry. I beat it a couple of minutes, which fluffs it up, makes it easier to spread, and produces more volume; a tip I learned on Pinterest.

Here's the recipe for the BBQ ribs:


2-3 lb slabs baby back ribs
Homemade or purchased barbecue sauce of your choice
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 Tbs garlic powder
1 Tbs onion powder
1 tsp salt
1 Tbs chili powder
2 tsps cumin
2 Tbs paprika
1 tsp dry mustard

Heat the oven to 275°.

Mix the dry rub ingredients and set aside.

Rinse the ribs, dry them, and remove the thin membrane from the back of the ribs.

Place a slab on a double thickness of aluminum foil and using your hand, cover it with the dry rub. Wrap and seal tightly. Repeat with the other slab.

Place on a baking sheet and bake for two hours.

Open foil carefully to release the steam, pour off the juices and brush with barbecue sauce.

Broil for five minutes and then tent with foil to rest for five minutes before cutting. 

I'm going to Becky and Jimmy's for a BBQ rib dinner on the 27th - then I can have some REAL ribs. My brother is the master rib smoker.

The Pepper and Pals Report: Nothing new here, except that I'm happy to say that Sweetie Face has survived the kitten snatcher so far. I just want to gather her up and cuddler her, but she won't let me near. At least I can go on the patio for a little before she gets spooked.

Thank you: I just received a surprise package from My Special Girls in the Northwoods. Lots of yummies, a great keeper basket, and tied up with a bedroom peach ribbon. I love this color. Tiki loved it, too. She thought it complimented her black.

And when I took out the brown shreds, I found another pear and another tangerine underneath.

The Summer Bucket List: Haven't accomplished much here, but can check off "Watch a Summer movie" - The Long Hot Summer with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodword. I believe that making this movie was the start of their romance. I enjoyed it. 

The Long, Hot Summer

Time to get back to normal: My new roof is going on as I write. Can scarcely think with all the scraping and hammering. Poor outdoor kitties didn't get breakfast because the roofers came at 6:30 a.m. and spooked them. Energy has returned, so away we go. . . 

Oops! Not so fast. One step forward and two steps back. Guy who was checking my insulation, to see if it got wet from the leak, slipped and put his foot through the ceiling.

Roofers still here at 8:13 p.m. I went out and told them to put the new skylights on before it gets dark. I don't want them to go home and leave me with two holes in the ceiling overnight.








  1. Patsy I am so thrilled to read that you are on the mend and that you are feeling better. The menu and table setting were a delight, the food looked so tasty. Hope the roof and skylights are now back in place and anything damaged has been repaired. Take care.

  2. Hello Dearest Auntie!!!! Yay!! Coming back around to herself again. You are such a trooper. ❤️ And so the party carries on in beautiful red, white & blue. 🇺🇸 I'm so glad you finally got to have your summer celebration meal. Your table looked awesome!
    And I'm so glad you got the goodies okay. If you balance out treats with fruits it keeps ya healthier, right? 😉 And so nice to see some kitty love too.
    But dang if it isn't always something?? He actually stepped through your ceiling - that's crazy! Geesh. You've had more than your share lately beautiful Lady. Time to let someone else have all the crazy fun for a while. Ya hear that God? 🙏
    Blessings on the rest of your week Lovie. xo
    PS: I think we're going on our 3rd date tomorrow. It's been a really nice summer this year and feels very hopeful. ♥️ Talk to you soon
