Monday, November 26, 2018

11-26-2018 Busy, busy, busy

Thoughts and Quotes: Much of the stress people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they started.
                                                       David Allen, Author of Getting Things Done

That's me, Folks. And just to prove it, instead of finishing something I've started, I ordered his book in from Mobius. Maybe it holds some magic formula for keeping your eye on the goal. Well, it might. I need to read it instead of organizing my closet.

I don't have much to show you this week, but I wanted to stay in touch.

Thrifting: I don't shop DAV (Red Racks) much anymore, because their prices have become too high. I was going right by, so I stopped in. I saw one item that still had the Marshalls price tag - $5.99; DAV price - $6.99. What?!

I wanted this dish because it's large, so I paid $3; and these prices are 20% off for Senior Day

A metal trivet - $3

A bowl to add to my accidental collection - 73 cents

4 placemats for $2.25. No, I don't know yet how I'll use them, but they made me happy.

Then I went to Goodwill (just down the street) and bought four pretty glass bowls for 50 cents each since it was blue tag day. This one is sitting on the flip side of the placemats. Just right for a meal salad.

Thank Yous: For my Thanksgiving cards. Since I've been sending ecards, I've received few handmade cards. Here are the two I received this year, and I'll be back to cardmaking later - just taking a break.

Thanksgiving: I ran up to the Springfield Family Restaurant and picked up two dinners so I'd have leftovers and plenty of turkey to share with Pepper and Stormy. Pepper loved it; Stormy said, "Yuck!". I finally finished the last of the turkey on Sunday by putting it on my salad. 

My finest china

I ran into Mickey while waiting for my order.

The Pepper and Pals Report: Stormy continues her yoga exercises.

While Pepper is getting caught up on his rest. He works so hard, you know.

Stormy hiding from Pepper - she thinks. Tails don't count.

Flower has taken over the heated house. Fred and Ginger sometimes go in the carrier, but never at the same time. I paid almost three times as much for a two-kitty heated house instead of a one-kitty, but Flower seems to be the only one who likes it. Or maybe he's territorial. Who knows with kitties? 

No one used the houses I made out of plastic tubs, so I put two Walmart boxes together (one inside the other), filled the space with old clothes, and put my warmest, cuddliest throw inside. So far, no takers. 

Tidying: I looked at the calendar and realized I'll never finish all my books, so I'm working on culling them and taking them to the library for the spring book sale. They might not want all of them. I like old books. Funny how your taste can change, so it didn't break my heart to part with them. Amazing how much time it takes to peruse a book to see if you can part with it. I took two boxes on Saturday, and I have three boxes in my trunk to take on Tuesday.

Time to Plan for Christmas: To save you some time, I've prepared your list.

Light a fire in the fireplace
Buy some evergreen or bayberry room spray
Make a centerpiece for your dining table with holly and red candles
Put a wreath on the door
Bake lots of Christmas cookies
Make hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows
Buy new jammies for the whole family to wear the night of Christmas eve
Decorate outside the front of your house
Put up a tree, even if it’s small
Don’t forget presents for the pets
Drink eggnog and/or hot cider
Take a present to a nursing home for someone who’s alone
Watch some Christmas movies on Hallmark channels
Send some Christmas cards
Make chili and cornbread on a cold evening
Treat yourself to a poinsettia
Look at the Christmas lights – take along a thermos of your favorite hot beverage
Go to a Christmas music concert
Splurge on a prime rib roast for Christmas dinner – make Yorkshire pudding
Wear your Christmas costume jewelry, sweaters, scarves, etc.
Play Christmas carols in the house and in the car – sing along
Go to the mall to see the decorations, even if you’re finished with your shopping
Read a Christmas book – the library has lots
Attend a candlelight service at church
Simmer cinnamon sticks and orange peel to make the house smell yummy
Smile at everyone and wish them a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah
Start working on your 2019 goal list







  1. Loved the metal trivet Patsy and such a bargain. My list is so similar to yours and I am ticking things off already.

    1. Of course you are. You get more done in a day than anyone I know. Please tell us your secret.

  2. Great Christmas list, making a list like that was actually one my list for today! Enjoyed your post today and now I'm thinking did I ever answer you a while back? Yes, I'm in the KC area. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. I've heard that confession is good for the soul, so I must admit that I compiled the Christmas list with the help of suggestions on Pinterest. No one mentioned the goals, however, and I'm a big goals person.
