Saturday, July 24, 2021

She's Back

Thoughts and QuotesIf I were flying, I would travel to a perfect place. A place with frosted cakes and beautiful flowers and excellent trees to climb and absolutely no doldrums. - Kyo Maclear

I think I've been in the doldrums. I can't seem to get motivated, I feel tired and listless, I want to escape into a book, and that's not my usual mood. I once wrote a paper for a college class (can't remember which - Behavioral Studies, Psychology, Health?) and I said that the answer to most problems is "Get Busy." I've lived by that advice, and goals on paper motivate me. I'm ready to take my own advice and hope you'll join me.

Covid and old age have put a damper on fun. I want to do things, and I realize that other people had a very big part in my activities in the past. I've actually lost friends and family these past couple of years (not to Covid), and others are either incapacitated or fearful of venturing out. There are many things I enjoy doing alone, but I've realized that doing everything alone is making me lazy and uninspired.

So - will you join me?

Let's start with Tidying, Trimming, and Thinning - oh, and Tea. I find myself watching YouTube instead of TV these days, and I ran across a guy who does short little videos which make a lot of sense. If you watched the one in my last post, you learned about the three ways of spending your money to produce the most happiness. Today I watched the ten top things to declutter. After thinking about all those recipes I have, I added the eleventh. And then I looked around my office and added a twelfth - papers, catalogs, travel brochures, magazines, etc.

If I think about how much this entails, it's overwhelming, so "divide and conquer." I listed the ten things he mentioned, but I rearranged the order, starting with the quickest and easiest first as "success breeds success."

Challenge 1: Some items are quick, so let's start with items 1 through 4. Time alloted - one week.

Boxes- we all save them, because we might need them. If you can't live without it, at least break it down and store it.

Luggage: - easy peasy, right? So include all those duffel bags, backpacks, tote bags, etc. which you never use.

Games and Puzzles: - I just unloaded most of my games on the couple who came to install my dishwasher. They have four kids who were thrilled.

Expired Food- canned goods, spices, condiments. Clean out the freezers and refrigerators, pantries, and garages. And while you're doing this, you might want to prepare an inventory of what remains so that you won't have expirations in the future.

I believe I'll try to declutter my body, as well as my house, by applying the T's. I can Thin and Trim by eating less and Tidy with exercise.

We'll meet back here next Saturday to examine our progress. I'll supply photos of my accomplishments, and if you want to send me yours, I'll post them so you can celebrate. Get them to me by 7:00 a.m on Saturday at

For all your hard work and bravery (you have to be really brave to let go of your "stuff"), reward yourself with afternoon Tea. It doesn't have to be sandwiches, sweets, and scones. Just take a little break and fix yourself a little treat. Try apple slices and cheese cubes, yogurt, a handful of nuts, and it can be iced tea, hot tea, coffee, flavored water, or a smoothie. 

Wow! I feel better already.




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