Thoughts and Quotes:
Thursday, January 28, 2021
2021 Restart
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Calling All Republicans
Democrats want to impeach President Trump because that would keep him from running in 2024 (maybe). They're scared to death that he's getting powerful enough to stop socialism. I don't know why they don't realize that doesn't prevent Don, Jr. from running.
We need to contact our senators and tell them in no uncertain terms that we'll be watching, and we want them to vote against the impeachment.
Go to this website Click Here and you'll get a list of senators in alphabetical order by state. You can call or email. The email link will take you to a form to fill out. It's too late to write a letter, so we need to call or email.
To the right of the name is a class (1, 11, 111), and the class 111 is especially important. These senators are up for re-election in 2022.
It will only take a few minutes, and pass this on to your Republican friends. It's our country, too, and these senators work for us. Make your voice heard.
And later we can check on them Click Here and write this address down so you'll have it for future reference.
Please, please realize this is important. I don't want to go to a re-education camp.
A Few Questions
When I see all the walls that have gone up in D.C., it brings hope. Does this mean that the Dems have changed their views and walls DO work?
And they want to take our guns, but now they like them, because I saw hundreds on the streets in DC, and they were SERIOUS guns.
And if Uncle Joe is the most popular man in the USA, so popular that he won more votes than any prior candidate, I wonder why Washington D. C. had to be fortified in order to get him inaugurated?
Why is Queen Nancy and the radical left so afraid of Donald Trump?
If they impeach Donald Trump, don't they realize that will make the MAGA movement even larger and more determined?
I heard someone on TV (I was working and missed her name) who said that Donald Trump should be very afraid. Didn't he realize that if he's impeached he can lose his pension, and his plane, and his perks. Really?! He's not taken a salary for four years, he doesn't need another plane, and I think he can probably buy all the perks he wants. Are these people getting paid for their wisdom and insight?
I used to have a friend who said that if you advertise something enough, you can sell anything. I now believe that's true. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS have been telling people for years that Donald Trump is a racist. They've never given an example, so I was wondering if anyone knows why? His support from black voters went up 50% from 2016 to 2020 and Hispanic and Asia support went up as well, which further confuses me. So what makes him a racist? Will someone please tell me? Have you noticed the mainstream media has never said why Advertising?
Is Uncle Joe racist? He's nominated someone to head up the Civil Liberties whatever who thinks that blacks are superior physically, mentally, and spiritually. Something about blacks having more melatonin. Is she racist against whites? His cabinet was chosen by race, not ability. He's proud of it.
Are blacks racist? Ebony magazine. Think if someone produced a magazine called Ivory. Black women can participate in the Miss American contest. They also have a Miss Black America contest. What if someone started a Miss White America contest? Imagine the backlash. There's an NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). What would happen if we wanted to start an NAAWP? And why do they still call it the NAACP. Isn't Colored People racist? The Redskins had to change their name. Should the NAACP change theirs?
Why do ball players disrespect our flag and our anthem? Don't they like it here? They've probably made enough money (thanks to this country) to leave. Why don't they just pack up and go?
Why do we still have Eric Swallwell in Congress when he fell to the charms of a Chinese spy? Isn't he likely to be a target? Diane Feinstein had a Chinese driver who was a spy for twenty years (or so, not sure of the exact number), and no one seemed to care. Why are they still around?
Why do people yell about how corrupt our government is and how we should have term limits and then an outsider comes in to drain the swamp and he gets beat up from day one. We had our chance and now it's gone. The future will show that he'd still be here if not for the crooked elections. And how deep is that swamp? CLICK HERE Several ads, but they're only five seconds. Worth putting up with them to hear what's going on with your money.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Double Standard?
The Aussies know - check it out.
Responses to the BLM and Antifa protests:
Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Chris Cuomo CNN
is a movement. I'm telling you. They're not going to stop, and everyone beware.
They're not going to let up, and they should not. And we should not. Kamala Harris
A little tour of cities after the BLM and Antifa riots this year:
Seattle Minneapolis New York Atlanta Los Angeles Portland Detroit
Kenosha Washington D.C. San Francisco
A tour of the recent damage to the capitol:
How many people were killed in the Capitol riots?
1 female rioter shot by a policeman as she climbed through a broken window.
1 officer died after being struck in the head by a fire extinguisher (I heard that a member of Antifa and one of the other rioters were fighting over it, but can't confirm)
3 died from "medical emergencies". I heard that one was a stroke, others ?
How many people were killed during the BLM and Antifa protests? The number ranges from 25 to 47.
I don't condone violence in any form, but is there a double standard here?
The capitol rioters were at the capitol before the president spoke, so how did his speech influence the riots? No, they didn't listen on cell phones. There were so many people trying, you couldn't even get a signal. A lady from my sub-division attended and in her preparation instructions she was told to bring water, food, warm clothes. She was told that there would be a lot of standing time, and to be on the lookout because Antif and BLM people would be there and wearing Trump supporter type clothes and trying to stir up trouble.
We know at least one Antifa member was there. His name is John Sullivan and CNN interviewed him as if he were a hero. He was later arrested because he was in the capitol urging people on. Of course, he's out on bail. I've seen videos of him bragging about taking part in riots prior to the capitol, and he was standing up high and shouting through a megaphone, so I think he's a leader.
President Trump gave a very nice farewell speech, and tomorrow President Frauden takes over.
Monday, January 18, 2021
My Thoughts
First order of business: After reading this post, if you wish to discontinue receiving my posts, please let me know so I can remove your name from the Blog list.
I'm still slaving over a hot keyboard working on my books. I've put the three Everyday books on Amazon, but don't buy one. They look just fine in the Kindle Create previewer, and they look fine on the previewer after I export them to KDP, which is Kindle Direct Publishing, a division of Amazon. But - I bought copies of each to view on my Kindle Fire and they're a mess. Full of indentations which don't show up in the previewers. I got the Kindle app to view them on my computer screen, and they look just fine there. I didn't even try on my Kindle Paperwhite Reader, because who wants to look at photos of tables and food in black and white? And I don't have a laptop to see what happens there.
The reps in the help department at KDP are very courteous and return mycalls promptly, but they're trained for people who are writing novels and such, so they're dealing with mostly words, not photos. They haven't been able to figure out the indentations, but a rep referred it to the Tech department, and I'm supposed to hear back by Tuesday (tomorrow).
I first published the Tea Book as Fixed Format (Print Replica), but couldn't get the Table of Contents to work. I talked to at least four different reps who told me how to fix it, so I'd try his idea, then call another when it still didn't work. This took several days, but I finally reached a rep who told me it wouldn't work because nothing is clickable in Fixed Format. Okay. Problem solved. It's not possible. Then I decided to buy a book in Fixed Format to see how it works. Duh! Why didn't I do that in the first place? I couldn't buy my own book because I had set it to publish at a later date. I actually like Fixed Format, but most everyone is used to clicking, so I redid it in Reflowable.
I see now why there are few photos in ecookbooks. The cookbooks with photos are "real" books. I could do that, but I'm an amateur, and I'd have to charge so much, it would be cost prohibitive. My idea was to create ebooks with fun table and food photos at a low cost. I guess Amazon needs money, because with all the photos, the minimum price I can charge is $2.99. I'm still digging in, determined to make this work. Why am I going through all this misery? Because she thought she could, and she's not ready to admit defeat. Stay tuned.
And in the meantime, I'm debating with the phone company over an increase in my bill, the brick over my two-car garage is cracking and needs attention, so I'm getting bids and ideas, and I stumbled into one of those websites where sirens go off, and a menacing voice (a pox on the person who stoops to record these messages, as well as Rachel at Card Services), tells you to go "here" to get help. Total scam, of course, so I turned off the computer and rebooted, but the damage is done. My printer thinks it has no cartridges, and it won't believe me no matter how many times I tell it that it's not true. I'm not even low on toner. I thought 2020 was behind me, but maybe not.
These are bumps in the road. My main concern is the future of this country.
First of all, I've been trying to figure out why anyone would vote for a man who is older going into the presidency (78) than the oldest former president was when he left office (Reagan - 77), and obviously having problems mentally - here's what they think in Australia.
Why would anyone, who goes to church every Sunday and professes to be a Christian, vote for a party that condones killing babies in the womb right up to the time of birth?
Why would anyone vote for a party which is rapidly leading us into Socialism? More on this next time. I wonder if they know that Nazi means National Socialist?
In studying why Socialism is on the rise here, I heard one opinion that says, it's because: (1) An upheavel in normal progression, like robotics replacing people for example. (2) Universities because they have to be intellectuals with these new great ideas, because they're so far removed from the real world of business; creating, buying, selling, producing, etc. (3) The bureaucracy because people in government want more bureaucracy.
I'd like to add one more reason - money.
I think it's because the politicians (the bureaucracy) want money (from corruption), and their tools are universities, the mainstream media, social platforms, unions, and so many people working for government at all levels (bureaucracy) who don't understand that capitalism is necessary to produce the funds which allow government at city, county, state, and federal levels to operate. More on this later.
Actually, we'll never know how many people actually voted for Biden because so many votes came by way of fraud.
A look at these statistics should leave any intelligent person wondering.
Trump received more votes than any incumbent presidential candidate ever. He received 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than he did when he won in 2016.
In 2012, Obama as incumbent won with 3,500,000 FEWER votes than 2008.
Biden had 15,000,000 more votes than Obama. Really?! The darling of the Democrats, blacks voting for him because he was black, and many people voting for him so they could be a part of history, voting for the first black president. He had 15,000,000 more than Hillary Clinton in 2016.
He stayed in his basement, rarely campaigned, and few people bothered to show up when he did make an appearance.
Trump won the bell weather states of FL, OH, and IA with huge wins. Since 1852, only Richard Nixon lost while winning these states. That was 1960 when JFK won, an election still being questioned (by the public, maybe). I happen to believe that Joe Kennedy bought the help of the mob. More here.
More on fraud later. But for now, Joe Biden says this.
I'll continue on these subjects until (1) I get it out of my system or (2) I become one of those people who get bumped because they mention the word fraud or (3) I'll be in the re-education camp. Is this really America? Sure not the one I grew up in.
Send an email and tell me Leave Me On or Take Me Off.
Monday, January 11, 2021
I'm Still Here
Thoughts and Quotes:
She thought she could so she did. R.S. Grey
She thought she could so she tried, but she didn't. Me
Well, I didn't but I did. I finished the Tea ebook in fixed format (also known as print replica) and put it on Amazon for presale to be released March 10. This would give me plenty of time to finish Theme Dining and Tablescapes to release all at once. You could order it, but without the "go to" feature, and spells out in capital letters, "PRINT REPLICA".
I worked all one week on the Table of Contents, talking with KDP staff and trying new things. I just couldn't make it "clickable." Finally I got the right person, who told me that you can't have a clickable TOC in print replica. Well, no wonder it wouldn't work.
Then I thought, "So what does a print replica book look like?" I bought one to see, and why didn't I do that in the first place? Duh! The pages are numbered and on a carousel, which I actually liked, but it's not what everyone expects, so probably wouldn't like it. Thankfully, the book I bought only cost $2.99, because it's on the history of posters. Not exactly my interest.
So after many days of trying and crying, I've finally finished the Tea book in reflowable format, and it is sitting on my bookshelf at Amazon in draft form, ready for me to push the Publish button.
Today I will give Theme Dining one last proof read, make the cover, and finish the keywords, etc and it will be ready.
Tablescapes will be finished in a few days. After you say "Publish", Amazon takes 72 hours to review before release. I told one rep that they're not being very thorough, because I've had to delete some books before I finished reading, because of all the typos and grammatical errors. He laughed, and told me they're only checking for pornography and whether the book is for sale somewhere else. Then it takes up to ten days before the "go to" feature appears.
To finish the Theme Dining book, I had to do lots of cooking, just for photos.
Ranch Chicken
Friday, January 1, 2021
Happy New Year
Thoughts and Quotes: Today is the first day of the rest of your year. Make this year worthwhile. Me
We skimmed through 2020. Perfect sight is 20-20; maybe 2020 was a way to make us see more clearly; to realize how many wonderful everyday blessings we have once those blessings were removed - like meeting friends for lunch, having company over for games, going to the market without a mask and markings to tell you which direction to walk.
The number 21 was an exciting number. We became of legal age for some things: we could drink, we could vote (history now), we could enter a nightclub. Guess that's why a New York nightclub was called 21.
Perhaps 2021 will be just as significant. We'll be able to entertain, go to church, hug, burn our masks, stand closer than six feet apart. Here's to 2021!!!
Gee, it's been awhile. I'm happy to report that I've been working on my books, and I'm making great progress. Between China virus and books, I haven't much to report, but I do have some good news. Remember little Kylo?
Look at him now, and these pictures are over a month old.

Let's see. What's new? Dishes, of course. Don't you love them?
And I have a new fence. And Audell downsized and sent me her Cluny lace chargers I looked for all over creation and couldn't find. She used them when I visited once, and I fell in love. Here's her table. They're metal and so lovely.
My assistant, Pepper, is still sleeping on the job, but always joins me when I'm working in the office.
Katy had Buffalo Cauliflower, but with Mango Sauce. She's a petite little lady and eats like a bird. I insisted she have some protein and gave her a few strips of chicken, and I still had leftovers to bring home.
This month’s keyword is
This month’s goals:
The room to deep clean:
Take photos of everything in
the room and save them in an insurance file.
Those who preceded us: Celebrate loved ones’ birthdays by eating their favorite foods on their special days.
This week’s:
Timewaster to inspire us:
Todd Mohr cooking lessons:
Travel by computer or TV:
Teaching on the web and other:
The scent of the week:
This month’s bucket list:
____ Make ham,
black-eyed peas, rice, collard greens, and cornbread for New Year’s Day.
____ Make a
____ Spend a
Sunday afternoon in front of the fireplace with a good book.
____ Drink hot
chocolate with marshmallows (preferably homemade).
____ Go to a
library and spend time just browsing.
____ Make homemade
soup and homemade bread for dinner.
____ Invite
friends and/or family for board games.
____ Make a snowy
This month’s keyword is SNOW.
This month’s goals:
The room
to deep clean: Living Room
Take photos of everything in the room and save them in an insurance file.
Those who preceded us: Celebrate loved ones birthdays by eating their favorite foods on their special days.
_____ January 21,
Auntie Kack
Timewaster to inspire us: Facebook Tablescape Groups
Todd Mohr cooking lessons:
Upscale vs
Downscale Cooking: Click HERE.
I Met Two People: Click HERE.
The Key to Cooking: Click HERE.
Travel by computer or TV: Rudy Maxa France - recorded
Teaching on the web: Maine
The scent of the week: Citrus: Orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit peels simmered
This month’s bucket list:
____ Make ham,
black-eyed peas, rice, collard greens, and cornbread for New Year’s Day.
____ Make a
____ Spend a
Sunday afternoon in front of the fireplace with a good book.
____ Drink hot
chocolate with marshmallows (preferably homemade).
____ Go to a
library and spend time just browsing.
____ Make homemade
soup and homemade bread for dinner.
____ Invite
friends and/or family for board games.
____ Make a snowy dessert.
____ Finish Goal List
Of course, this isn't all my goals. This is just a list to keep me moving.
____ Publish Tea
____ Finish
Tablescapes eBook: Proof, Table of Contents, Table List, Cover
____ Finish Them
Dining 1 eBook:
Cook: Ranch Chicken, Strawberry Salsa, Strawberry Salad, Rice Pilaf,
Strawberry Muffins, Lemon Beets, Tangerine Rice,
Insert food photos, Proof, Table of Contents, Recipe List, Cover
____ Theme Dining
2 eBook: Copyright page, Introduction page
January, Black and White Indoor Picnic
Redo Invitation
Decorate Menu
Make White Chocolate Chip Cookies for new photo (buy Blackberry
Ice Cream)
____ Holiday
eBook: Copyright page, Introduction page
Happy New Year: Make Lemon Custard
Pudding Cake for new photo
____ Salad eBook: Copyright page, Introduction page
Salad 1:
Salad 2:
Salad 3:
Salad 4:
____ Snack Set
eBook: Copyright page, Introduction page
White plain, snowflakes
____ Lady Lunch:
Delicate Flowers
The Best Part: I subscribe to a cooking blog called RecipeTinEats, which is hosted by a happy young lady in Australia named Nagi. She has a beautiful furry partner named Dozer, who is a Golden Retriever and one of the sweetest dogs on earth.
This week, she interviewed Dozer, and you can read it HERE. You'll love it, and you might like her blog. She has some interesting recipes and great photos, including one of Dozer each post.