Saturday, December 12, 2020

Happy Birthday, Katie Sue 2

Katie Sue and I started with Freshly Made Sketches at FS1 and now we're up to FS77. Sorry the photos aren't better, but when I took the pictures, it was just for our reference. As you've probably figured out by now, most were taken when we met for lunch or tea - oh, the good old days pre-Covid. See my post from November 2020 (For Cardmakers) for the link, if you want to try it yourself.

FS1 Katie Sue - Left, Patsy - Right (2)

FS2 K-L, P-R

FS3 K-L, P-R, Loved this one of Katie's

FS4 K-L, P-R (2)

FS5 K-L, P-R

FS6 P-L, K-R

FS7 P-L, K-R

FS8 K-L, P-R

FS9 P-L, K-R

FS10 P-L, K-R (I didn't notice until later that I had Katie's card sideways)

FS11 K-L, P-R

FS12 K-L, P-R

To be continued . . . . . . . 

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