Monday, May 27, 2019

So Many Bargains, 5-26-2019

Thoughts and Quotes: A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.                Benjamin Franklin

That's how I've been lately. Talking and planning instead of doing. And then just when I needed it most, I got this link from Jeanne. Click HERE. Ready to roll again. Haven't done much this week, but here it is.

But first - some retail therapy. Well, not really retail. You know how I love digging in thrift stores for treasure, and my brother Bill is even a bigger digger because he has more patience. I love shopping with him.

Thrifting: We went to Rosie Jo's to have ham and beans to celebrate our mother's birthday, because we always had them on laundry day every week.

Then we hit the thrift stores for two days - here are a few of my best finds.


$2 each

25 cents each

50 cents

20 cents; like I need more cookbooks

20 cents - yes, the play is based on this book.

20 cents

50 cents to go with my $3.60 coffee set.

And dessert plates

Cute new little purse: pearls and gold studs for $1

25 cents each

$1.50 - love these little ceramic baskets for serving scones or rolls.

$2 each, but I needed these to go with the Cabbage Patch table.


New - 25 cents

$2.25 handpainted and like new.

Chopstick rests - $1 per set.

A sweet little bag vase for 75 cents. Still collecting purple.

Lots of music - I have a six CD-changer in my car, or I can put them on an MP3 player, plus I still have a stereo to play five CD's in my family room, a single player in the kitchen, and one which is portable for travel. Call me old fashioned.

$3 - Baroque is music to learn by; at least that's what I've read.




A real find for 20 cents. Jim Rohn was my mentor (via books, audio tapes and DVD's). When I was selling real estate, I was invited to hear him speak. My mind usually roams a bit (or a lot) during lectures, but I was on the edge of my seat and heard every word for an hour and a half. For some reason, I even took notes, which I read and reread. I read this and passed it on, but will be happy to read it again. If you ever run across one of his books at a sale, it's worth reading. I cried like a baby when he died, but you can still find tons of wisdom on his website HERE or subscribe to the blog. He's not just for business.

Then wouldn't you know, Friend George sent me an email of sayings today, and up popped Jim.

Image may contain: flower, text and nature

And the best bargain of all (thanks to Brother Bill who discovered them), new shoes in wide widths. Handcrafted in the USA, all leather and $20 a pair. A shoe store in Branson donated them to a church, who passed them on to the Christian thrift store.

I'm so thilled to have something which fits besides Dr. Scholl's tassel loafers and flip-flops. After the holiday, I'm going to see if I can track down some other stores which carry Footthrills.

The Pepper and Pals Report: Not really a pal. A stranger on the patio this morning.

And the new janitor is coming in broad daylight sometimes.

Stormy has a new kitty tree. She really doesn't use it much. I thought about just taking it back apart and returning it, but realized that one of the hanging mice is missing an ear and his tail.

Things that Grow: I thought I'd killed my shamrock, so I ignored it. Now it's even blooming.

The red storm lilies are going crazy (why are they called red, when they're orange?)

Tidbits: We should all be this patriotic. They do this every flag-flying day.









  1. My goodness Patsy what a haul. I would love to go thrift shopping with you and your brother you certainly seem to find all the bargains.

  2. Hello Dearest AP!
    Hope you had a nice holiday weekend.

    I bow down to you - the thrifting Queen! And your Bro too! Always so impressive the goodies you find 😊

    I"m not sure I've so impressed about your striped visitor. Yikes! HOpe he's been going on his merry way. Did I tell you Annie wants a chincilla. She's been working it hard telling me all the details about how clean and sweet they are. And that she'll keep it in her room and do all the work required. I told her I"m going to do more research and we'll see. NOt sure Ruby would like it either. Lol

    My "red" lilies along the water won't come up until probably later July! You guys are way ahead of us. I hope you have a very blessed rest of your week dearest. xoox
