Sunday, April 8, 2018

Week 120, 4-8-2018

Thoughts and Quotes: The three grand essentials to happiness in life are something to do, something to live for, and something to hope for. 
                                                                   Joseph Addison

So I should be really happy, because I have all three, and they all point to THE TEA BOOK. I believe it's becoming an obsession. I was so frustrated this week because I didn't want to give up the page borders. When I checked the proof PDF, the right border on the left-hand page was in the gray area, and the left border of the right-hand page was in the gray area. I thought this meant they'd be cut off. After fussing and fuming and trying to fix things every way I knew how, I finally called the publisher, talked to Shawn, and discovered that the gray area is only the "suggested print area". My border is touching the gray area, but it will print.

Shawn told me that the publishers don't recommend borders because (l) the inside borders can "disappear" into the binding, and (2) they might not line up exactly at the top of the page from the left page to the right page. They can be off 1/16".

I explained that I've planned the book so that each recipe can print alone on an 8-1/2" X 11" page. This way it can be shared with a friend, punched and put in a 3-ring binder, put in a file folder, or used when cooking so that spatters won't get on the book. 

Also, the "plan" page can be copied and taken to the kitchen to check off or line through each item on completion.

Shawn suggested coil binding. I told him I'd considered that, but it is quite a lot more money than perfect binding. I told him that if I leave the food photo off the recipe page and group them all on one page following the five recipes for that month, it would probably compensate for the extra binding charge.

And he's so smart. He said that I can leave the photos on each recipe page and have them print in black and white, and then put the photo page in color.

So that's it. That's what I've decided to do. Once I got that settled, I've moved right along and just finished October. Two months to go! Can you believe?

Just when I was ready to start celebrating, I remembered that I still have to insert page numbers, put page numbers on the table of contents, create an index, and a cover. At least I'm moving in the right direction. 

If only I'd known months ago what I know now, I could have saved myself hours of anxiety. With this company, everything is simple. They're called Diggypod Publishing.

Create your book in Word. Convert it to a PDF. Check the PDF in the Diggypod website. Any problems (or imagined problems) will be on your report. If no problems, you're ready to email the PDF to Diggypod to print. That simple. Of course, if you're more adept with Word than I, you'll finish a lot quicker.

Save this website if you have any interest in publishing a book in the future. Click. There's even a place to get a quote, and it's very simple to follow.

Their prices are the best I've found, but the books will still be expensive. The selling price would be so high, no one would buy. I'm just doing this to leave a "footprint" which says that I was here, I walked on this earth, and I left this behind. I'm printing them for family and friends, hoping I won't be forgotten immediately once I'm gone. How's that for ego?

Microsoft doesn't support Blogger (my provider for this blog), so I can't copy and paste the Tea Book pages for all to see. As a matter of fact, those pesky borders disappear altogether. I've decided to print a month and then take photographs so you can see what I've been up to instead of working on my goals which was the purpose of this blog in the first place.

So here's January - not very good copies, but it will give you the idea. Each month will follow the same format. Remember: the photos on the recipe pages will print in black and white with the Food Photo page in color.

Like I told you, I'll have short posts for awhile. Maybe two more weeks before I totally finish.

Tasting: Nancy and I went to Cheddars this week. She had chicken-fried chicken and that's what I wanted.

I had grilled tilapia and shrimp instead. Good girl!

Termites?: Or carpenter ants? We'll find out Monday. Will I ever get everything fixed at once?

Think back: When's the last time you saw snow on the roofs and blossoms on the trees at the same time? 

The Pepper and Pals Report: Pepper and Stormy are feeling neglected since I'm on the computer all day. Stormy is even trying to kill her Easter Bunny.

Tidying: I wish I were. Joey just finished totally organizing her craft room. Take a look. I'm so jealous. Not only do I not have a craft room, but I'm reorganizing my crafting supplies and it's one huge mess. Doesn't this look wonderful?

Thank you: For hanging in there with me. We'll get back to fun stuff soon, and I'll fix my email notification and clean up my recipes.  








  1. It all looks so impressive, each page printed. What an amazing achievement.

    1. Just a sample. I couldn't cut and paste the pages to my blog post because Blogger doesn't support Microsoft.

      I printed the pages on my printer, took a photo of each page, uploaded the photos to my blog.

      Hopefully, I'll have the book off to the real printer in the next week, and now I'm looking into also converting it to an ebook. Print on demand would be so costly, no one would pay the price.

  2. So very proud of you Lovie!! And I can't wait to get a hold of one of those books to be my forever keepsake. ;) I know everytime I use ideas from it I will think of you. Keep up the good fight - you're in the home stretch now!
    Giving the kitties lots of love and attention from afar. And Ugh on your bug issue - it does seem like it's always something, doesn't it? :P
    So impressed you being a good Girl when out to eat. And I'm SO jealous of Joey too and NEED my craft room to get straightened back up so I can be more productive!!!
    Blessings Dearest. xoxo

    1. Dear One, I feel as if you're the leader of my support team. Your comments always give me a lift.

      As soon as I finish the plan for November, just one more month to go. Then I have to figure out how to do the index; I think it would be nice to have one.
      Baby steps.

      So happy to see you're through the spring break. Now onward and upward. I don't know how you accomplish as much as you do with all the family you spoil (including a distant auntie).

      Love and hugs to you and yours, AP
