Sunday, April 1, 2018

Week 119, 4-1-2018

Thoughts and Quotes: I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.
                                                        Oliver Wendell Holmes

Good, because from where I stand I see my yard is a mess, my house is a mess, my car is a mess, I'm a mess, but I'm progressing each day.

My roof is fixed, my car had its 60,000 mile checkup this week, I got my checking account opened at my new bank, and I put my hair back to its natural color (also known as I colored my hair).

So many blessings this week. While my car was being serviced, my Lil' Bro' and Lil' Sis' (brother Jim and sister-in-law Becky) picked me up and took me to lunch, so some great 

Tasting: There's a new Mexican Restaurant and we had good food PLUS since it was my belated birthday lunch, a bunch of handsome young men in Mariachi uniforms came over and sang a song (I guess it was a birthday song - in Spanish, so I really don't know) and they put a huge sombrero on my head and handed me some maracas to play. They also brought a piece of the most gorgeous cake, surrounded by fresh strawberry pieces and drizzle. I was so excited, I forgot to take a photo. I did, however, remember to take the photos of our lunches.

Thank yous: To my Lil' Sis' who never sees anyone without handing them a gift. In my bag were these things plus the White Chocolate Chip-Macadamia Nut Cookies which were history by the time I took the photo. There was also an Easter egg filled with treats for Stormy, which will reappear the next time I do a kitty toy sweep through the house. And I'd already received a book for my birthday prior to this lunch.

And to everyone for their Easter calls, emails, cards, and e-cards. Easter cards are always so pretty.

And to my Special Northwoods Girls who sent me an extravagant CARE package.

Things to use in card making.

Things to use for my future book - A Year of Everyday Holiday Meals.

Things for my favorite pastimes - reading and eating.

A mirror to remind me that looking old doesn't mean that you have to act old.

Goodies for the kitties.

And a set of beautiful cards of Psalms to soothe my spirit.

Now am I spoiled or what?!!!

The Pepper and Pals Report: Everyone is happy right now. Stormy has a new trick. At night she gets up on the kitchen island, helps herself to a candy from the basket, pushes it off on the floor, unwraps it, and bats it around like it's a toy. Now the candy is in a plastic bag in the basket.

She's already at work destroying the new toys from My Girls.

Pepper's just too lazy to play Destruction Derby. A little inspection is all he can manage.

I caught Flower and Fred (brothers) napping and got a photo before they saw me and ran.

Tips: I've discovered the convenience of ordering from Walmart. I ordered ink for my printer and it was shipped right to my door. They're always out of my number in the store, but not online. I also order all the cat food and litter now. I buy the same things over and over, and it's heavy. Now it comes right to my door.

I also got the Walmart credit card and they gave me $35 right away and 1.5% on every purchase. And the sales tax is lower than in the store. Go figure.

The big problem: How can I use all this brown paper that comes in each box? Martha is reorganizing and using the boxes, but the paper is another story. I recycle, so I can just throw it in the recycle bin, but it seems there should be a way to use it. Any ideas? This is from one box.

Tea Book: Short post this week because I've been working on the book. Are you ready for this? Drum roll, please, and maybe a few blasts from the trumpets - I'm through June.

I wanted to show you some sample pages, but they won't cut and paste. I printed a few on paper, and while they're blurry as a result, at least you can get the idea.

Each month will have a page like this.

 Then a menu page. And I'm glad I printed this before I got any further, because I can easily see that the main text needs to move to the right. Another do-over. So many do-overs, I've lost count.

Then a page for each recipe; so two savories, two sweets, one scone, and possibly one for spread for the scones. Then finally a page of text for The Plan of what to do when before the tea.

Here are the names I've given each month. If anyone has an idea for the March name, please let me know, as I'm not happy with this one.

January - In the Pink

February - Cardinal Red

March - Come on Sunshine

April - Strawberry Fields

May - May Flowers

June - Tea on the Patio

July - Just Peachy

August - Pretend It's Venice

September - Autumn Gold

October - Colors of Autumn

November - Autumn Meadow

December - Holly

That's all I have for now. July-December should be easier and go faster. In the meantime, while I'm working on books, I'll be having meager posts - something to just stay in touch.

The Update on Notifications: I have my laptop back now, so I can see the correct email addresses of those I was sending a notification as soon as I published each week. I'm going to sign up everyone from that Blog list, so that Blogger will send you an email each time I publish. I know some of you were having trouble with this. 

If at any time you wish to discontinue getting the notification email, you can unsubscribe.









  1. Hello! Delicious pictures. Your tables is very beautiful. Hug.

    1. Thank you, Sandra. If you search my archives, you'll find lots more tables, as I'm also working on a Tablescape book.

  2. Hello Dearest! First of all - I'm now craving Mexican and a margarita. ;)
    Next, I'm so happy to hear you've been feeling better and getting things under control there...especially your computer. Lol
    Also, I'm thrilled all your goodies made it safely and that you all liked everything!! Love to spoil you (just like you spoil us)Your Girls love ya!!
    But lastly, your book!!!! I'm just so excited for it and impressed Lady! It's going to be awesome! I can't wait to see it all together. What a labor of love and you should be so proud with how it's coming along.
    Oh and PS: not sure what to do with that walmart paper. Hhmmmm - have to let me think on that one. ;)
    Blessings on the rest of the weekend ahead. xoxo

    1. Come on down. My turn to do the Cooking Club lunch this month - April 26th - so I'm doing Mexican as we'll be so close to Cinco de Mayo, and we haven't done Mexican before. Of course, mine isn't authentic, but it will be plentiful.

      Can you believe? We have snow today. I've been telling everyone to move to Nixa because of our great weather. Well, cancel that!

      Hope you're getting sunshine instead and have a wonderful and productive week, My Dear Girls. AP
