Thoughts and Quotes: Don't blame people for disappointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much from them. . . . .Unknown
I told you in yesterday's post that I had a disappointing day, so I want to get this out of the way, rather than start next week's post with something negative.
I saw this advertised at The Workshop at Finley Farms:
On February 6, show your significant other how special they are by creating personalized, one-of-a-kind Valentine’s Day cards using recycled materials, flowers, designer wallpaper, magazines and more.
I was expecting a collage type valentine with a teacher to lead the way. Something like THIS. They also mentioned that we could snack on toast bites and coffee. Sounded like a fun time, a little pricey at $25. My fault, I should have asked questions.
When I arrived, there were limited materials scattered around the tables. The only tools were scissors, glue sticks, and I saw one bottle of Elmer's glue. No paper cutter, no embossing folders, no punches, no dies for cutting, no stencils. Supplies were pieces of wallpaper, cardstock, magazines, large paper heart doilies, foam stick-on hearts, markers, dried flowers, ribbon, and beads.

If you ever attend a craft class here, take something sturdy to put under your work, as the tables are very rustic.
The toast bites were actually small pieces of bread with a dollop of bland chicken salad and a bit of green.
They truly meant do-it-yourself. The instructor held up a large heart cut from a piece of cardstock with things glued to it as a sample. Then we were told to use whatever we liked and if we needed help to let her know.
I gathered a few things to bring home where I have more to work with and left, and I do love this wallpaper.
I'm not posting this information to criticize or tell you never attend a class here. They might have some wonderful informative classes. I'm telling you that sometimes it's wise to be curious before you part with your money. Be sure of what to expect. The other attendees seemed very excited, so maybe I'm just overly critical because I'm used to our Master Teacher Katie Sue with her well equipped enough-to-open-a-store supplies room when I attend a class. And kudos to the young lady who gave the class for trying to do something worthwhile. I think this might have been her first time to teach cardmaking.
The Good News: It was Sunday morning, so I had a chance to take some photos so you can see what they've done with the old mill. Too cold and snowy to get out of the car, but here we go.
The Mill from across the river. A restaurant on each of two levels.
The bridge is covered with lights.
There's still some ice on the river right now.
The Mill from the parking lot side.
A chapel is going up across the river - perhaps for a wedding venue?
Two restaurants to add to my list, plus I took a photo of this one while I was in the area. Same Big Al as the sub shop in Nixa.
The Second Disappointment: I had lunch at the new Mexican restaurant in Nixa. It's called El Lago (The Lake) because they have a location at the lake in Branson West or Kimberling City or somewhere down at the lakes. Before the China virus, this was Patrick's Family Restaurant.
Lots of interesting artwork. The TV's were muted.
Chips and salsa arrive immediately.
I ordered my test combo; chile rellano, cheese enchilada, rice and beans. The pepper was fresh, not canned, but the cheese was probably queso fresco, because you can see how it ran out when I cut the enchilada. The rellano was stuffed with the same cheese.
On the upside, it's clean, very attentive servers, and you can practice your Spanish as most do not speak English very well. I'm still looking for California Mexican food, but I'll give them another shot. There were several tables of diners who seemed to be happy with their choices. Perhaps I need to order fajitas or a taco salad. And now I'm caught up with my new restaurant per week. There's good in everything, right?
The Vision Board: While I'm posting, here's the key to my new vision board. I love this idea, and motivated to make it work. My focus will be on nine areas which will help me to downsize, economize, and be healthy.
Top row: The left photo is of a Lady Lunch. I have lots of dishes I've never used, and I can't bear to dispose of them until I've used them at least once. I think people are ready to start mingling again, so it's time to entertain.
The middle photo is my cleaning schedule with a photo of the living room because that's my current goal. There are only two places to clear out - the writing table drawer and the credenza - but it's a start. And I'm already a month behind.
Top right is a photo of how I looked in my 40's. I know I'll never look the same, but I want to be inspired to lose weight. First level to reach is 145.
Middle row: Make cards and use up some of my supplies and pass on some stamps, embossing folders, etc.
In the middle is the photo I plan to use on the cover of the Everyday Celebrations book (4th of July). The white piece of paper is from my fortune cookie which reads, "You have a charming way with words. You should write a book." I want to finish this book instead of jumping from Celebrations to Theme Dining 2 to Soups to Salads and feeling overwhelmed.
The right photo is of hanging clothes. I'm going to get really serious about my stuffed to bursting closets.
Bottom row: My reference to the advice from Linda E - if you can't do a lot, do a little. I love this idea. Sometimes the "little" is the jumpstart you need for a "lot." And the $200 is about money. I don't believe in saving money for the sake of having money. What good is that doing anyone if it's just sitting around? And the Universe sometimes responds by saying, "Oh, look! Extra money. Time for car repairs, plumbing bills, an increase in your insurance, or worst of all - medical bills."
When you feel secure, spend some of your money. I want to save $200 from my meager earnings each month to use for fun, or maybe I'll save it for redecorating next year. At least, I plan to economize so I won't buy more CLOTHES, DISHES, or BOOKS. They're off limits. I really need underwear and pajamas, but guess what? If I lose weight, I have drawers full which are like new but too small right now - refer to top right photo.
In the middle - vinyl records I need to upload to the computer and disks so I can send them on their way.
On the right, the U-verse recordings I need to watch so I can cancel that service because they continue to raise their price and downgrade their list of channels. I need to start streaming. Who needs a lot of worthless channels which are never viewed?
The idea is to do a little or a lot from each of the nine squares each day. Wish me luck.