Thoughts and Quotes: The great gift of Easter is hope. Basil Hume
The sun is shining at my house. I wish you the same great weather as well, and that you're having a day of celebration with friends and family. This is a time to rise again and put new meaning in our lives, with hope for an end to the dreaded virus, hope for an end to winter, and hope for unity and peace everywhere.
I've had a rather uneventful week, but I wanted to let you know I'm still here and thinking about you.
I received two handmade cards. One from Jean, the card engineer who does everything with precision. Isn't this beautiful?
And this delightful creation made by Betty and chosen by Ken.
I always display my cards on the bookshelf in front of my desk so I can enjoy them awhile.
I made only a few cards this year, because I procrastinated and ran out of time, as usual. Time just seems to sneak up on me these days. I didn't even have time to go get fun stamps.

The Pepper and Pals report: I don't believe I've introduced you to these two. I call this one Grandpa. He's an old cat, but socialized, so I don't know why he is out on his own. He just wandered in one day in the late fall and the others accepted him, so he stayed. He doesn't leave the patios. When it's cold, he eats and sleeps in the houses.
When it's sunny, he goes to the outdoor patio to nap and sleeps in the indoor patio at night.
Perhaps you remember Tobin. He started coming around and bullying the other kitties, so I ran him off. He started sleeping on the porch next door at Barb's. She named him Tobin, and I was able to trap him. Barb elected to be his god mother and paid to have him neutered. After the testosterone backed off, he quit being a bully and was accepted by the other kitties. He's become a real little lover and wants to be petted now. He and Grandpa are great buddies. It's not foggy - I took the photos through a tinted window.
There's a third, but he's still afraid of me because I chased him away, so I've yet to get a decent photo. I call them "The guys who came to dinner." Remember The Man Who Came to Dinner, originally a play and then a movie? A guy comes for dinner, injures his hip, and won't leave - just like my guys except that they weren't injured, just hungry.
The third is Louie. I originally called him Lucifer because he was so mean to the others, but once I trapped him and he visited the vet, he became one of the gang, so I changed his name. He's mostly black with only a little white. From the back, I can only distinguish him from Freddie by looking to see if the tip of his tail is white.
And Pepper, my lazy assistant, right at the bottom of my chair. If you haven't met Pepper, he became my indoor kitty after being badly injured, and he has spots where hair won't grow back.
Since the weather is so nice lately, I don't see much of anyone but Grandpa. They're out doing whatever kitties do when it's sunny. They come off and on to eat during the day, and most come for dinner. Sometimes one or more will disappear for a few days. They're feral kitties and want to lead their own lives.
Theme Dining 2: January is finished. You've seen the invitation and menu. Here's the table.
And the food.
I've been having trouble with February. I thought I needed only a photo of the lasagna, so I made it and took the photo.
This was one of the dinners I threw together for my bachelor brothers and nephew, ages before I planned to make a book. My camera was on the blink, so Brother Bill took photos with his phone. I didn't have photos of the food, so I made it all again a few months ago. Then I realized the place setting looks nothing like the original table. Different napkin presentation, different wine glass.
I finally came to the conclusion that I'm having trouble simply because I don't like it, so I'm starting over.
The Celebrations Book: Hmmmm. . . . .a book which doesn't start with T. January is finished except for the dessert. I took the photo with the dessert sitting on a silver charger and it glares.
After a redo, January will be finished.
The Third Book: I've decided to do Lady Lunches - another non-T book. Oh, well. So far January is just in the planning stages. I need something hearty yet ladylike for January. I'm thinking deconstructed chicken pot pie. I started to do a white table for winter. I have some silver snowflake serving dishes which would go nicely, but I used white and silver for two other Januarys, so I decided on these dishes.
I don't know that I'll get it finished this week. Too many weeds.
Tasting: Mango Bread is my only new recipe this week. It's pretty dense, and not a lot of mango flavor, but acceptable. Using the regular mangos instead of little golden ones might give it more mango flavor, but the little ones were on sale, and that's why I made the bread in the first place. It's in the freezer. Good excuse to have a tea. Must learn how to do more in less time.
2 cups flour
2 tsps baking soda
1-1/2 tsps
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup cooking
3 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup packed
brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups chopped
2/3 cup shredded
1/2 cup chopped
Heat oven to 350°.
Grease and flour a
loaf pan.
In a large mixing
bowl whisk together flour, soda, cinnamon, and salt.
In another bowl,
whisk together the eggs, sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla.
Make a well in the
flour mixture and pour in the egg mixture. Mix gently.
Fold in mango,
pecans, and coconut.
Pour into pan and
bake 1 hour or until done. Cool in pan five minutes.
Remove and cool
before slicing.
The Point System: Remember the point system I mentioned last week? Well, I can't give you any results because it goes through Sunday night. I do know that I don't get two points for losing a pound this week, because I only lost .4; but I didn't gain, so I don't get a minus three points. I'll take it. Stay tuned.
I will tell this, though. My house looks better, because points are difficult to come by, and I was trying to rack up as many as possible. I get only one point for vacuuming the entire house; one point for cleaning a bathroom, etc. I can neglect the house this week, because I see plenty of points waiting in the yard.
Time Wasters for Susan: I do hope there's such a thing as reincarnation, because there are so many fun things to do at this level.
How about taking baking lessons? Click HERE.
Or how about a movie? Click HERE
My new favorite travel blog. Click HERE I've already started a trip up the coast of Maine and discovered a new artist I love-love-love. Here he is - CLICK and then scroll down to see his work.
I've traded evening TV for virtual travel. As soon as I finish Maine, I'm going to France. I need to go get the maps first.
Tips: Did you know you can get foreign maps as well as USA at AAA Club?
The Boo-boo: I looked at the wrong year of national days. Sorry if you missed Burrito Day on the first. And Zucchini Bread Day is the 25th. Arbor Day is the 30th, not the 28th. The 28th is Blueberry Pie Day.
Thank You: If you're reading this post - to adamsamah for purchasing my book and leaving me a kind review. It warms my heart.
Until next time -